Mayella 40 Day Green & Go Challenge

40 Day Green & Go Smoothie Challenge

Mayella Organic are challenging everyone to make a Green Smoothie with Alkalise Green & Go every morning in a smoothie for 40 days. At the end of the 40 days we will give you a 200gm tub of Alkalise Green & Go completely free of charge. Yes that’s right FREE of charge!

Whats the catch?

There is no catch!

It’s only 40 days come on!
We’ve made our Mayella Organics Alkalise Green and Go 40 Day Smoothie Challenge a 40 day commitment as we know you will find it easier every day you commit to including a green juice or smoothie into your day. How good you start to feel after a week will make it easy for you to continue.

Our skin cells have an average 28 day cycle of birth life and death, for women our menstrual cycle is an average of 28–30 days. Giving your Self 40 days to commit to creating a healthy new rewarding habit also allows your body to go through a truly beneficial detox and renewal cycle. A new you!

Allowing 40 days of being green will give your body the opportunity to rebuild with all the vital nutrients found in our concentrated Mayella Organic Green Super Foods. Your skin will start to show the benefits of including Mayella organic greens in your day. For some this will mean allergies, rashes or dry skin will lessen or disappear. Depending how long you have had the rash or allergy or what the cause may be, will determine how long it will take to benefit from the nutritional goodness your body is receiving. There are many healthy positives to be experienced, to enjoy seeing and feeling the changes!

Green Smoothie Mayella 40 Day Alkalise Green & Go Challenge
Well …
because we care about you we want to make sure you are receiving the benefits that come from taking Alkalise Green & Go daily! We are not going to just give you any old buy one get one free deal that sits in the cupboard and doesn’t get used! Sorry guys but we want you to have fun and prove to us that you are taking the supplement daily so to receive your free tub of Alkalise Green & Go you have to follow Our Rules!

And there are only a few simple rules to being a part of this Challenge:

Purchase online at Mayella Organic your 400gm tub of Mayella Organic Alkalise Green & Go.
Like our Facebook Mayella Organics & Instagram Mayella Organics so you can receive posts and recipe ideas to help inspire you on your journey. We will be with you every step of the way.
Post a quick selfie daily on your FB and Instagram, of your Alkalise Green & Go juice, smoothie or Shake & Go tagged with @mayellaorganics FB & Instagram so we can journey with you on your 40 day smoothie challenge. Add Hash tags #AlkaliseGreen&Go #Probioskin #40DayChallenge #mymayellablend We also get to be the referee in this way and see you are participating daily and qualify for your reward. There is a bonus gift for one lucky 40 Day Alkalise Green & Go participant drawn at the end of May, so have fun with your pics!
Daily make your juice, smoothie or Shake & Go with 5 gm = approx 1 heaped teaspoon, of Alkalise Green & Go included with your choice of ingredients. We have created a basic shopping list below with suggestions to help you begin your journey. One 5 gm teaspoon of Alkalise Green & Go in your juice, smoothie or Shake & Go will be your teaspoon to a healthy new daily addiction.
Challengee’s within Australia will receive their 200gm tub of Alkalise Green & Go reward free of charge and postage by Sendle or Australia Post. International peeps we will be sending your free 200gm tub of Alkalise Green & Go reward by DHL to your nominated shipping address details received via Facebook / Instagram message.
You don’t have to be alone! If your partner, family or a friend wants to accept our Challenge with you, go for it! Its a bit like going to gym or yoga together and motivating each other to stay on track, enjoy the healthy benefits and succeed. Make sure each of you likes FB & Instagram and posts your daily Green cocktail.
There you go, its that easy. Basically you are already a winner right from the beginning of accepting our 40 day Challenge. Its a green revolution, get on board. Your Body will thank you!!!

Testimonials from people the world over all support the benefits they feel from bringing a little of our Mayella Nutritional Power Blends into their day.

“Hi Amanda, You should look at promoting the Alkalise green & Go as “belly fat cleanse” or for peri-menopausal and menopausal women (even for oestrogen dominance). It’s really helping my stomach, its going down and I haven’t even exercised! I am meeting so many younger women 40 plus who are going through the above issues earlier than a generation ago and are concerned about putting on weight especially around the belly region but can’t move it? Anyway just a thought, I know its for general wellbeing but I can recommend it for weight loss.” Margaret QLD Australia.

“Hi Ladies, I just wanted to give you some positive feedback about your products. I had a blood test yesterday to check my Thyroid function. I have had to have a few repeats of the blood test as they felt my thyroid function was heading low and the Coctor was talking about taking some medication. Anyhow, I have been taking the Nourish and yesterdays blood test result was normal. I think this is because of the Nourish. I really like this product!!!” Terri New Zealand.

” I have been taking daily multivitamin tablets for as long as I can remember, but quite recently I began to question whether this was really helping me with my active lifestyle. A friend of mine introduced me to the Probioskin products and I began using them a couple of weeks before going on a 5 week overseas trip. I continued to take them daily while away, mostly in coconut water. There was a definite improvement in my energy level even when I was not able to get a full nights sleep. I also noticed a more consistent skin tone which was a bonus. I have just started on the Alkalise Green & Go and continuing to get great results.” Alan 52yrs Qld Australia.

Mayella Alkalise Green & Go 40 Day Challenge

Shopping list
Purchase a 400 gm tub of Alkalise Green and Go to start & complete the challenge and the opportunity to get your 200gm tub free!
Juices of your choice – eg grapefruit, apple, pear, cranberry, pineapple, coconut water, pure filtered water.
Milk of your choice – eg soy, rice, cow, oat, goat, coconut, almond, macadamia.
Fruit/vegetables – eg bananas, lemons, kiwi fruit, rasberries, watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, oranges, celery, cucumber, apple, limes, pineapple, mango, pitaya ( dragon fruit).
Extras – eg almonds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, rolled oats, ginger, mint, tahini, goji berries, cinnamon, garlic, dates, coconut oil, hemp seeds, parsley, mint.
Sweetener –eg honey, coconut nectar, rice malt, dates

Aloe Vera juice – as an example we can recommend Lifestream as this not a laxative and is pure and gentle.

Choose to use your Blender for smoothie combinations.
Your juicer for vegetable/fruit combinations.
Simple “Shake and GO” for simple and easy combinations.
On any day you can choose how you enjoy adding Alkalise Green & Go to your day. Definitely starting your day with a little green beverage reaps massive rewards to your wellbeing. you may have this as an aperitif = a simple “Shake and GO” style then follow with your breakfast. Or you may decide to make it your breakfast and blend up a storm with your choice of ingredients – fantastic.
There is no limit to how you create taste, add nutrition, experience pleasure, bring variety in your day to day menu of vegan CONCENTRATED NUTRITION.

Mayella Alkalise Green & Go Green Blend - Green Smoothie
Extra healthy bonus – If you experience any of the following conditions or symptoms in your day: difficulty with bowel movements, holding extra weight, bloating, dandruff, scalp and skin irritations, rashes, allergies, low energy levels, tiredness (even in the mornings after a full nights sleep), irritable and a bit short fused, finding it difficult to concentrate or remember things, bad breath, sugar or sweet cravings, enjoying this Challenge may be just what the Doctor ordered.

You will find making a Self commitment to our Alkalise Green & Go 40 Day Smoothie Challenge for just over the next month, will be a gentle detox blessing to soothe what is an overloaded and irritated, inflamed system. Our Body is a finely tuned mechanism and yet it can tolerate an incredible amount of overload before it starts to let you know – “Hey, I need some help here!” The way your Body lets you know its struggling to maintain an inner balance is with symptoms such as rashes, weight gain, aches and pains, sore feet when you get up in the morning and so on. Subtle at first but the messages start getting louder as we continue to ignore our Self.

Why should I take up the 40 Day Challenge?
Do you need more energy?

– These days most of us are typically undernourished and lacking the vital trace elements found when eating our greens.

– Instead we rely on carbohydrates and sugar for energy and filling up and quick fixes. The irony is that we are eating more of less real foods as it takes more to fill us up, to have our body recognise that it has enough of something to function.

– Eating so much also overloads our digestive system with too much food that is typically difficult to digest. We have to use a lot of our energy in the digestive process only to receive less nutrition that we need to grow, be healthy, live.

– Starting your day with a simple alkalising drink can be the difference in helping your body to let go of toxins gathered from our system during the night while you are sleeping.

Having Mayella Greens in your life will benefit you so much!
A benefit of more of our vegan concentrated nutrients found in Alkalise Green and Go in your day is having better elimination via our bowel, kidneys, lungs and skin, creating more energy for our body to concentrate on many other functions, our metabolism is able to pick up, often we lose weight, we feel and are more energetic. Eyes brighten and sparkle, nails begin to grow instead of peeling or breaking, hair shines, our body odour sweetens and breath becomes fresher.

Alfalfa, Barley, Wheat Grass, Spirulina, Oat Grass, Spelt Grass, Australian Natives, Marine grasses and Adaptogenic plants are all super concentrated sources of every nutrient needed to thrive and be healthy. Every mineral and vitamin, omega fatty acids, proteins, with enzymes and phytonutirents such as Chlorophyll and Carotenes, required by our Being in order to have life and wellness.

These organic plant based nutrients found in Mayella Organic plantbased nutrition are all easily absorbed, digested and embraced by our bodies. Quickly soaked up into cellular function and transforming our average bodily function into active, radiant, energetic, vibrantly healthy Life force. How good is that feeling of energy coming from within us?

This is why we call our Mayella Organics vegan green powders Super Foods. More than your average food, they are raw, bioactive and bio-available. They are Nature’s gift. Our aim with the Mayella Organic Alkalise Green and Go 40 Day Smoothie Challenge is to help you discover and experience this feeling of energy and wellness.

Superfoods detox your body!
Including Alkalising Green & Go Super food daily and continuing to do so on a regular basis is the simplest, gentlest and easiest way to start a process of detoxing your body, facilitating our repair processes and rebuilding a healthier, energised you. It is simply astounding how much toxicity we can carry around in our cells, in our tissues, in our bodies without even realising.

Tiredness, weight issues, allergies, dull hair, weak nails, congested skin, acne and breakout, skin rashes and irritations are major sign posts signalling our bodies are struggling with levels of acidity and toxicity. Detoxing is a process most of us associate with time out in a health retreat – blissful! But not always achievable in the busyness of our daily lives.

Our answer – take our Alkalise Green & Go 40 Day Smoothie Challenge!

Incase you need convincing
When we have fresh, real living foods in our everyday diet we don’t need as much, we don’t get the cravings that drive us to snack or graze all day between meals, our tastebuds are happy and we are truly satisfied. We flourish, we grow, we have Life force and energy. Our Body is tuned to a process of Homeostasis = achieving and maintaining balance, in order to be vital.

It is not easy to maintain balance when you cannot get enough of the ingredients your body needs or the right combination of nutrients you need to feed your cells.

Living on take away and fast foods, processed foods (eg heat & eat frozen and packet foods), and without regularly enjoying fresh, living foods eg fruit, grains, seeds and vegetables as your main source of foods, means our bodies have to constantly compensate to find the nutrients it needs for the functions it is performing every millisecond in order for us to be alive and well.

Again …
… the benefits of more Greens in your day is also having better elimination via our bowel, kidneys, lungs and skin, creating more energy for our body to concentrate on many other functions, our metabolism is able to pick up, often we lose weight, we feel and are more energetic. A healthy gut needs good fibre to keep things regular.

When we gently detox and eliminate well daily, eyes brighten and sparkle, nails begin to grow instead of peeling or breaking, hair shines, our body odour sweetens and breath becomes fresher – Yes to that!

Healthy on the run ” Shake and GO”
Ok so making your own or the families breakfasts and school lunches in the rush of the morning isn’t always easy but throwing a heaped teaspoon of Mayella Organic Alkalise Green & Go in a BPA free drink bottle with your favourite juice, a squeeze of lemon and some water takes 2-3 minutes max and you’re out the door with something real in your hand bag or brief case!

It is so easy to have real nutrition even on your busiest of days and the best thing is you will work / play / perform better.

Suggestion: 1 teaspoon Alkalise Green & Go

250-500ml Water or Coconut Water or Pear Juice or Apple Juice or try 50% Water & 50% favourite juice

Throw together in BPA free drink bottle, shake and drink. This can be your easy peasy start your day right drink to alkalise and detox. Or make extra and take it with you to work, uni, to have after exercise such as a run, the Gym or Yoga to replenish, hydrate and refuel.

Who is the Challenge good for?
Everyone and we mean everyone!

Children of all ages
All children love Shrek and Mermaids. A Shrek or Mermaid green smoothie in the morning, or for afternoon tea when they come home from school or sports is the absolute best for ensuring they have all the vital nutrients their thirsty bodies need for growing.

A big yes to having the balanced, enduring energy that comes from balanced nutrition not the crazy up and down energy that comes from foods and drinks high in sugars, with colours, preservatives, empty carbohydrates.

Getting creative with “the Green Dragon smoothie” is to see your children thriving and flourishing with healthy immune systems and enjoying a delicious satisfying snack.

Try the smoothie combinations recipes on our social media, here on our web site and if you’ve subscribed to our e-newsletters. Add 1 teaspoon of Alkalise Green & Go or Green Harmony with a choice of some the following for a simple delicious smoothie.

Fruit; banana, strawberries, mango

Liquid: apple juice, soy, rice, almond, cow milk

Sweetener: not often needed with the natural sugars found in fruits, but for some its a clean way to introduce something new and also depending on what your childs taste buds have been used to. Try a little coconut nectar, dates, honey etc to help get them introduced to their new “Shrek” or “Mermaid” green milkshake drink.

Adding a small amount of Greens to their yoghurt is a super easy way to add extra goodness and especially if the yoghurt includes probiotics.

Mayella Nutrition Healthy Children 40 Day Challenge post

Teenagers have ridiculously nutrient thirsty bodies & brains – they benefit incredibly from the daily intake of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytonutrients that come jam packed in Mayella Organics Green Super Foods.

Study brains require a huge amount of energy to function at their best and the growth their bodies are experiencing at this time demands a diet delivering balanced goodness and a certain amount of depth for a healthy immune system.

Not always achievable with busy teenage activities, schedules and selective teenage tastebuds! You will sometimes need to be creative with finding a recipe that clicks, we have so many to share – email or message us for a suggestion.

Including a daily Green smoothie or juice means Teenagers are fuelled up with all the right nutrition they need for growth, active and happy minds, seeds for healthy hormone production and energy to burn.

Teenage Skins also benefit incredibly from the concentrated nutrition and anti- inflammatory affects of Mayella Organic Super Foods.

Taking a Green Juice of Alkalise Green & Go in Apple juice or cranberry juice with some water in a BPA free shaker bottle to school is refreshing and so easy to drink at morning tea or lunchtime.

Mayella After School Refuel Green Smoothie Challenge

Adults may not be growing up physically (hopefully mentally and emotionally!) but we are definitely multi tasking and fitting a lot of different levels into our days. Early starts, long days, late nights, meals on the run or not at all, eating late, studying late, working late, uni, careers, families, exercise and sports, pregnancy and babies….it’s all a bit of a hectic schedule and then there’s our social life!

Including a green smoothie or juice into our day can make the difference between struggling through a day or powering through, sleeping well and waking up ready to go again the next day.

20–40 years of age is when we are investing in our future in so many ways. Many are having families later in life and having the vitality levels for keeping up with our children can be a definite challenge. Optimising our ability to function at our best means committing to ourselves no matter what.

Maintaining a strong investment in our nutrition is an insurance against illness and burn out. It means we have a healthy functioning body and mind that takes us where we want to go and beyond.

It also means we save money and time with a stronger immune system protecting us from fatigue, stray germs and viruses bringing us down. Potential onset of illnesses such as Dementia, Alzheimers, Lupus, Chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, M.S, Arthritis, Diabetes, Cancer can all benefit from the intense nutrition Mayella Super foods have to offer so readily to us. Try all of the recipes we suggest – you will love the way you start to feel and look.

Elderly persons can benefit from a daily Green Smoothie or Juice to ensure they receive all the goodness their skin, blood, digestion, brain, heart and bones still thirst for without being difficult to drink or digest.

A Green Smoothie or Juice is so easy to digest and absorb for delicate or sometimes overloaded digestive systems. Typically single or isolated elderly persons can be eating less and eating more of the same foods so often less nutritional variety not giving all the health benefits that they may have enjoyed previously in a more balanced diet with more focus and effort towards their cooking and meals.

Giving Nature’s gift of a tub of Mayella Super Greens and showing some one older in your life how to make a simple Green Smoothie or juice can be a gift beyond measure.

Blending is one option with simple fruits such as banana and milk, a teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of Alkalise Green & Go or Nourish Nutritional Power Blend for a perfect morning or afternoon tea and concentrated nutrition for better health and energy.

Or simply 1 teaspoon of Alkalise Green & Go or Nourish Nutritional Power Blend in a glass of apple juice or water, stir and drink each morning or mid afternoon. Simple but delicious and extremely beneficial nutrients for elderly bodies and minds!!!

Lets Get Started…

The Rules:
1 Like our Mayella Organics page on facebook or follow us on instagram or both if you have both.

2 Purchase a 400 g tub of Alkalise Green from our online shop.

3 Take Alkalise Green & Go for 40 consecutive days making sure you remember to take photographic evidence! Have fun with your pics.

4 Every day for 40 days share your photographic evidence of your green smoothie to facebook or instagram – both if you have them. Remember its about being good to your Self and hopefully inspiring others to do the same, start a green revolution – yes!

5 Please remember you must tag our facebook page @mayellaorganics and Instagram and use the hash tags #AlkaliseGreen&Go #mymayellablend #40DayChallenge to qualify.

6 Providing you meet the above requirements you will qualify for a Free 200gm tub of Alkalising Green & Go at the end of 40 days.

7 On Day 40 Facebook or Instagram message us to notify us you have completed your 40 day challenge and providing you have qualified we will send your Free 200gm tub of Alkalising Green & Go. So exciting!

You can start your Alkalise Green & Go challenge anytime – don’t wait another day, start now!!!

Take the Challenge to reconnect with experiencing the real you – the one with the energy and having wellness. Start now and the end of the 40 Day Green & Go challenge be reaping the rewards!

Happy Juicing & Blending People … Share your journey and the Green Love … here is an example of how to share your Alkalise Green & Go Photographic evidence to qualify…

Mayella 40 Day Green & Go Challenge share your smoothie pictures

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